Dream Journal by Hella Spiritual
Dream Journal by Hella Spiritual
My dream journal is sort of like your own mini akashic record of the astral & material plane and allows you as the dreamer to document your journey within these planes. All of this information makes it easier to assist you with analyzing your dreams and distinguishing each experience as either an exploration of the astral/dream realm, or unprocessed emotions, prophetic dreams, insight, creative inspiration, etc. You'll find daily affirmations and references to astrology and cartomancy within the pages of these journals.
Before I created this journal I used spiral notebooks to document my dreams which I still own to this day. I advise you to keep all of your dreams and refer back to them periodically. There are gems to be found in those pages.
Dream Journal: For the Spiritual Aspirant with Reflections & Prompts to Document & Analyze your Dreams.
ISBN 979-8-9872772-0-1
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